
Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Use vconsole for developmet

yarn serve -vconsole  //启动vconsole手机模拟

Build images json info for server side

yarn tpl  // 构建服务端所需图片信息,构建后存在img_json_info/

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Build and change images url

yarn build -cdn  // 将会把图片全部引用为cdn地址(jpg|png|gif|jpeg)

Show analyze report after build

yarn build -report  //Webpack包文件分析器

Run your unit tests

yarn test:unit

Run your end-to-end tests

yarn test:e2e

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint

git commit validate

yarn git:validate


  1. 全局scss变量,从assets/css/index.scss引入
  2. 图片压缩
  3. js,css压缩
  4. 打包代码分离,按需加载页面
  5. 大于10240开启gzip打包
  6. 删除无用css
  7. 集成vconsole-webpack-plugin
  8. 启动thread-loader
  9. api集中在api/文件夹下,this.$api.xxxx调用
  10. 默认会对重复请求进行过滤
  11. 网络超时和错误会弹窗(样式待调整)
  12. http请求的lang和access_token需自己配置
  13. 组件默认全部集成,可在main.ts中修改成按需加载
  14. 默认airbnb eslint