
Torified Cuckoo malware analyser in a Docker container with VirtualBox

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

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This Docker-ized distribution of Cuckoo 2.0 should make it easy to run Cuckoo and create virtual machines for analysis with vmcloak. Tor is used to retrieve malware samples with maltrieve, all traffic from the analysis VMs is also routed through Tor.


  • Cuckoo 2.0
  • vmcloak
  • maltrieve
  • VirtualBox inside Docker
  • X11 pass-through for testing

Getting Started

On an Ubuntu x86_64 machine: checkout the source, install the prerequesite packages and then build the containers with:

sudo apt-get install make git
git clone https://github.com/HarryR/cockatoo --recursive
make -C cockatoo prereq  # uses sudo

# In /etc/default/docker - modify DOCKER_OPTS:
# DOCKER_OPTS="--storage-driver=devicemapper"
sudo service docker restart

# Then make sure your user is a member of the 'docker' and 'vboxusers' group
# e.g.: gpasswd -a $USERNAME docker
# e.g.: gpasswd -a $USERNAME vboxusers

make -C cockatoo build run-cuckoo

The full build process will take 10 minutes to an hour+ depending on your internet, cpu and disk speeds etc. Assuming everything goes well you will have everything necessary to build guests, run Cuckoo and start analysing malware.

When running Cuckoo the VIRTUALBOX_MODE option can be used to show or hide the VirtualBox GUI.

VIRTUALBOX_MODE=gui make -C cockatoo run-cuckoo

To start after a reboot, create crontab entries:

# m h  dom mon dow   command
  0 *  *   *   *     make -C /srv/cockatoo archive
@reboot              screen -d -m -S maltrieve make -C /srv/cockatoo run-maltrieve
@reboot              screen -d -m -S cuckoo make -C /srv/cockatoo run-cuckoo

Useful Links