
Primary LanguagePython


Implementations of various knowledge graph embedding techniques.

Models implemented so far:

  1. TransE
  2. DistMult
  3. ComplEx
  4. RotatE
  5. ConvE
  6. CompGCN
  7. RGCN
  8. TuckER

Possible datasets to run on:

  1. WN18 and WN18RR
  2. FB15K and FB15K-237
  3. YAGO3-10


Below is a minimal example showing how to train CompGCN on FB15K-237.

import kgpy
import torch

lr = 1e-3
epochs = 400
batch_size = 128
device = 'cuda'

# Get data. We are also including inverse/reciprocal triples
data = kgpy.datasets.FB15K_237(inverse=True)

# Create our model and move to the gpu
edge_index, edge_type = data.get_edge_tensors()
model = kgpy.models.CompGCN(data.num_entities, data.num_relations, edge_index, edge_type, decoder="conve", device=device)
model = model.to(device)

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)

# Train using 1-N strategy
# Will also evaluate on validation and test sets
model_trainer = kgpy.Trainer(model, optimizer, data)
model_trainer.fit(epochs, batch_size, "1-N")


For quick usage you can run kgpy/main.py using a list of command line arguments.

In order to work you must run it as a module.

python -m kgpy.main [Insert CLI args]

The full list of CLI args can be found by running python -m kgpy.main --help.

NOTE: Running with the CLI is limited as not all options are available for each model.


  1. Implement other KGEs
  2. Better documentation
  3. Provide cleaner implementation of BaseGNNModel


The data found in the datasets directory is via https://github.com/ZhenfengLei/KGDatasets.