
Telegram bot for finding duplicate memes and shaming the poster

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Bayan Bot

Telegram group chat bot that detects similar memes (images)


  • WebHooks instead of polling
  • all chat images importing
  • statistics


How to deploy your own Bayan Bot

  1. Create bot (see https://core.telegram.org/bots/tutorial)
  2. Add bot to group chat
  3. Give bot admin rights (otherwise it would not see all messages)
  4. Get chat ID
    1. Write something to chat
    2. Go to https://api.telegram.org/bot{BOT_TOKEN}/getUpdates with token BotFather gave you
    3. Find chat ID in JSON response you received
  5. Move this repo to your server
    1. Docker and Docker Compose v2 MUST be installed
  6. Run ./scripts/build_bot_image script (uses sudo)
  7. Create /opt/CHAT_NAME folder on server
  8. Replace variables and paths in .cd/docker-compose.yml
    1. BOT_TOKEN value should be the token BotFather gave you
    2. GROUP_CHAT_ID value should be the ID of the chat bot should monitor
    3. replace CHAT_NAME placeholder in DATABASE_URL
    4. replace CHAT_NAME placeholder in volumes to folder you created in step 7
  9. Run ./scripts/deploy_bot script (uses sudo)
  10. Check logs via docker logs -t -f bayan_bot