A Node-RED node that enables communication with Pi-Plates boards.
- RELAYplate
- RELAYplate2
- DAQCplate
- DAQC2plate
- TINKERplate
- MOTORplate
- ADCplate
- CURRENTplate
- DIGIplate
You will need the python3-venv package. This is included by default in Raspberry Pi OS 'Bookworm' but not in previous releases.
sudo apt install python3-venv
Also, the SPI interface must be enabled. This is done using the 'sudo raspi-config' command under 'Interface Options' -> 'SPI'
As of the 0.3.0 release, this package utilizes it's own python virtual environment that contains the pi-plates python package. This is automatically initialized when this package is installed, so it is no longer necessary to manually download and install the python pi-plates package.
Run the following command in your Node-RED user directory - typically ~/.node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-pi-plates
See built-in documentation for each node.