
Understand the online shopper purchasing pattern through Machine learning


Understand the online shopper purchasing pattern through Machine learning


Milestones and activities:

Followed following milestones plan:

Milestone 1: (~ 2 Weeks) 31 Dec 2022 Data loading and preprocessing.

Milestone 2: (~ 2 weeks) 15 Jan 2023 Building baseline model. Tune hyperparameters of the model.

Milestone 3: (~ 3 Weeks) 7 Feb 2023 Apply KNN, SVM models. Tune hyperparameters of the model.

Milestone 4: (~ 3 Weeks) 28 Feb 2023 Apply CART, Bagging and Boosting and MLP. Tune hyperparameters of the model.

Milestone 5: (~ 2 Week) 15 March 2023 Repeat ML end to end process again with insights into the dataset.

Milestone 6: Submit the project.