
World's number 1 place to ask questions and get relevant answer instantly

Primary LanguagePython

forthebadge made-with-python


This is the backend part for a full stack application where people from around the world can ask their different questions and get unique answers from the other users of the application. Users can also follow each other up-vote or down-vote answers. They can also make constructive comments on all the answers and therby help creating a constructive community.

The backend part is made using Python and it's Django framework and uses JWT authentication along with auto email password reset functionality.

The backend is hosted using Heroku and can be accessed from here.

The complete Postman documentation can be accessed from here.

Environment Variables

To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file

SECRET_KEY - The default secret key auto generated by django while creating new project

ACCESS_SECRET_TOKEN - The secret used for creating all Json Web Tokens for Authorization and Authentication

BCRYPT_SALT - Sale value for encrypting the password

SENDGRID_API_KEY - Sendgrid API key for enabling sendgrid email sending system

PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ID - Sendgrid password reset template id

FROM_EMAIL - Email is from where password reset email should be sent

DATABASE_URL - PostgreSQL url to be used as database for production


Install JustAskIt following the below commands

  pip install virtualenv
  virtualenv env_name
  source env_name/bin/activate
  pip install -r requirements.txt
  python3 manage.py runserver