App Development Recruitment Task

Make a Tasks App that stores data in Firebase

  • You can make it either in Flutter or Native Android (Use Kotlin in this case)
  • Use Cloud Firestore when working with Flutter and Realtime Database when working with Kotlin
  • The time limit for the tast is 15 days and you will be judged on the basis the following parameters (in priority order)
    1. Contains all the required functions (Works correctly)
    2. Design (UI + Animation) and extra functions added
    3. Any extra stuff you add

Task Requirements

  1. The app should consist of 2 different screens. One should show the normal tasks and the second one should show the completed tasks of a user.
  2. User should be able to create, update as well as delete a specific task
  3. All the notes should be stored in firebase and shall be fetched everytime the user opens the app

Steps to complete the task

Step 1: Make the basic UI

  • Create 2 different screens as mentioned in requirements and a button to take user input
  • When the user clicks on a button to write a task, a bottom sheet should appear and then user should enter the required info i.e. user input should be taken ONLY THROUGH BOTTOMSHEET
  • When a user adds a new task that change should be visible in the screens

Step 2: Save tasks on firebase

  • You have to add firebase support
  • You also have to try and take care of all the errors that may happen in all cases

Step 3: Improvise the designs and add some animations

  • You have to further refine the app that you have made by adding some complex animations and designs. You can search for some designs on dribble or other online webistes

Step 4: Here are some ideas for extra features that you can add (Optional)

  • Swipeable guestures in the list for editing and deleting tasks
  • Taking user input for date and time and then showing a notification at that time regarding the same
  • Dark and light theme
  • There is no end point, you can do anything you like :-)


Submission Method

  1. You need to upload your code on github and send the repo on whatsapp groups