- To install and run client
cd client && pnpm i && pnpm dev
- To install and run proxy
cd proxy && pnpm i && pnpm build && pnpm dev
- To install and run server
cd server && pnpm i && pnpm dev
Rerequisite: docker
- To run all containers with compose:
docker compose up --build
- To bring down all containers:
docker compose down --volumes
- To initialize the Docker Swarm
- To deploy stack
sudo docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml stackdemo
- To list running stack
docker stack ls
docker stack ps stackdemo
- Before running docker, you must make sure all the .env and setup file is available for each layer
- Change to urls for this file to the according DNS
- .env
- vite.config.js
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
server: {
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:3000',
changeOrigin: true,
rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/api/, '/api')
Compose up the frontend
sudo docker compose-up frontend
To make sure only frontend is running, run this
sudo docker ps
- .env
sudo docker compose-up proxy
- To make sure only proxy is running, run this
sudo docker ps
- .env
- .env
To compose up necessary containers
sudo docker compose-up backend-user backend-editor mongodb
To make sure user server, editor server and mongo database running,
sudo docker ps
Note: Curently, only /api/mstring has been implemented
- Client hits Get String
- Frontend send endpoint to Proxy
- Proxy checks if primary server is running
- Case running then forward to Primary Server
- Case down then check Secondary Server running and forward to it.
- If both case down, then send server-down endpoint
Proxy is a messager broker that will decide where the destination of an request. This ensures transparency
However, proxy will be our bottleneck because if it crashed, the whole system is down.
Correctness: Integrate Docker Swarm - automatic fault tolerance to the proxy. If it crashes, Docker Engine will detect and its backup replication will replace and spawn new replication.
On production, we should not run server replications and proxy on the same machine. Eventually, everything must be distributed.