Evo Bio 4

Variables used

  • CooperatorQuantity Starting quantity of cooperator type

  • DefectorQuantity Starting quantity of defector type

  • SdQuality Standard deviation of distribution from which an individual’s quality is generated

  • Y Fraction of fitness lost that is used by individuals in the population

  • Relatedness The assortment (“relatedness”) in the population

  • PercentileCutoff Quality percentile cutoff for reproduction

  • Z Used in computing confidence intervals

  • MaxTimeSteps Maximum number of time steps to simulate in a run

  • Runs Number of runs to simulate

  • IncludeConfidenceIntervals Should confidence intervals be computed? true/false

Strategy Collection

In each time step, several tasks are performed based on one of several strategies. Here's a list of all the tasks and their corresponding strategies:

  • Survival- Select one individual from the population to perish
    • EquiProbable - All individuals save the same probability of surviving
    • QualityProportional - All but one individuals are chosen to survive with their probability being proportional to their quality
    • FitnessProportional - All but one individuals are chosen to survive with their probability being proportional to their fitness
    • QualityInverselyProportional - One individual is chosen to perish with the probability being Inversely proportional to its quality
    • FitnessInverselyProportional - One individual is chosen to perish with the probability being Inversely proportional to its fitness
  • Fitness - Defines how the Fitness value of an individual is computed
    • Default - The default fitness formula as written in the manuscript
    • NonReproducingHave0Fitness - Non reproducing cooperators are allotted 0 fitness
  • Reproduction - Select one individual from the population to reproduce
    • FitnessProportional - The probability of an individual being chosen to reproduce is directly proportional to its fitness
  • PostProcess - Some tasks to be more performed at the end of each time step
    • DoNothing - Nothing is done
    • Shuffle - The list of individuals is shuffled