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VueJS Landing Page

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


The documentation for the VueJS Landing Page is hosted at our website.

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Quick start

Browser Support

At present, we officially aim to support the last two versions of the following browsers:

Chrome Firefox Edge Safari Opera

Reporting Issues

We use GitHub Issues as the official bug tracker for the VueJS Landing Page. Here are some advices for our users that want to report an issue:

  1. Make sure that you are using the latest version of the VueJS Landing Page. Check the CHANGELOG from your dashboard on our website.
  2. Providing us reproducible steps for the issue will shorten the time it takes for it to be fixed.
  3. Some issues may be browser specific, so specifying in what browser you encountered the issue might help.


Useful Links

Social Media







FREE Design Systems (Kits)

Angular Landing Page HTML Landing Page React Landing Page VueJS Landing Page
Angular Landing Page HTML Landing Page React Landing Page VueJS Landing Page
Angular Login Page HTML Login Page React Login Page VueJS Login Page
Angular Login Page HTML Login Page React Login Page VueJS Login Page
Angular Profile Page HTML Profile Page React Profile Page VueJS Profile Page
Angular Profile Page HTML Profile Page React Profile Page VueJS Profile Page

FREE Dashboards

Angular Dashboard Page HTML Dashboard Page React Dashboard Page VueJS Dashboard Page
Angular Dashboard Page HTML Dashboard Page React Dashboard Page VueJS Dashboard Page

File Structure

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files:

|-- babel.config.js
|-- package.json
|-- public
|   |-- apple-icon.png
|   |-- favicon.ico
|   `-- index.html
`-- src
    |-- assets
    |   `-- img
    |       |-- team-1-800x800.jpg
    |       |-- team-2-800x800.jpg
    |       |-- team-3-800x800.jpg
    |       `-- team-4-470x470.png
    |-- components
    |   |-- Footer.vue
    |   `-- Navbar.vue
    |-- main.js
    `-- views
        `-- Landing.vue