
Game to start at specific time:

  • After every 1 minute a new question is broadcasted to every user.
  • The user have 10 seconds to choose the right answer. Rest 50 seconds the user waits to receive the correct answer.
  • Next question appears after 1 minute.
  • Duration of this game is decided by an input param.
  • If the user’s answer is correct, then he is awarded 10 points.
  • If the answer is incorrect, 5 points are deducted from user’s score.
  • If the user didn’t choose to answer, no points are added / subtracted from his score.
  • Rewards are awarded to users at frequent intervals, once, they surpass the threshold. Each reward comes in form of a coupon code. For eg: Once the user surpasses a score of 45 they should be awarded with coupon code for paytm.
    • The coupon code can be pre-validated with the vendor,
    • or a vendor can provide the coupon codes in advance,
    • or once a coupon code is assigned to a particular user a batch of such code must be send to the vendor at frequent intervals
  • The user must be notified by email if they’ve won a reward.
  • There should be a dashboard to view user’s score and global / social leaderboard.