
My experimentations with the Badger 2040 hardware.

MIT LicenseMIT

Badger 2040

My experimentation with the Badger 2040 hardware that I got at GitHub Universe 2023.

Context and details: https://github.com/badger2040/home


Marquee Name



  • Loops through user profiles in /profiles.
  • Buttons
    • UP and DOWN: Loop through the profile files in /profiles
    • B: Display instructions
  • Files
    • examples/profiles.py and examples/icon-profiles.jpg
    • Profiles
      • Profile data (.txt only) and logos (.jpg only) should be placed in /profiles.
      • Profile data format (Place the following on one line each.)
        • uri: Path to logo starting with /profiles/...
        • is_qr_code: Is the uri to be rendered as a QR code? (Not implemented yet, so value does not matter.)
        • uri_x: Logo/QR Code position from the left of the screen
        • uri_y: Logo/QR Code position from the top of the screen
        • name: Name to be displayed
        • name_x: Name position from the left of the screen
        • name_scale: Scale/size of the text (Value range: 0 to 1)
        • post: Position in an organisation
        • post_x: Post position from the left of the screen
        • org: Name of the organisation
        • org_x: Organisation name position from the left of the screen
        • pronouns: User's pronouns
        • pronouns_x: User's pronoun position from the left of the screen
      • Sample profiles
