
A sample REST API spring boot project with jwt authentication written in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin

Notes Rest Api

Notes-Rest-Api is a sample project made to demonstrate my skills of developing RESTful APIs.

Notes-Rest-Api has apis for user registration, login and CRUD operations on notes.

All endpoints end points use proper HTTP Status codes also all APIs expect /auth/.. require authorization.

Built With 🔧

  • Spring Boot
  • Kotlin
  • JWT

How to run the project

You would need JDK 17 (preferably liberica jdk) and MySQL server installed.

  • Clone the project
  • Goto src\main\resources and open application-dev.properties
  • Change the database URL, user and password to yours.
  • Come back to root folder and run ./gradlew bootRun command

Voilà! You have the project running. Use any API client to check the end points.

API end points


POST /auth/register

Creates a user.

Takes below application/json in request body.

    "name": "User",
    "email": "user@example.com",
    "password": "password"

If successful returns 200 OK with message success. If email already exists returns 409 Conflict with message indicating the same. 400 Bad Request if any field is missing.

POST /auth/login

Takes email, password in application/x-www-form-urlencoded and provides access token.

Returns a JWT access token with status 200 OK if email, password are valid else returns 401 unauthorized.

Notes end points

All below end points require Authorization key and JWT access token in header, if not they return 401 unauthorized.

POST api/notes

Creates a single note. Takes below application/json in request body.

    "title": "Title",
    "content": "Some random content here"

Note: No need to pass user id, it will be distinguished based on access token in header

If successful returns 201 Created with message success and id of note. If request is not formed properly returns 400 Bad Request.

GET api/notes/{noteId}

Returns a single note with the id.

If note is found returns note with 200 OK else gives 404 Not Found.

GET api/notes

Returns a list of Notes for that user

PUT api/notes

Updates a note if already exists or else creates new.

If note is found and updated returns 204 No Content with empty body. If note is not found a new note is created and 201 Created with message success and id of note is returned.

DELETE api/notes/{noteId}

Deletes a note.

If note is found it is deleted and 204 No Content is returned with empty body else gives 404 Not Found.

Contact me 📧