This is the project which I have done during PR-RCT course.
Here you have the deployed link.
Here you have the blog
In home you are able to see all the products avialable at this shop and you are allowed to filter and sort the products
In these product pages, In filter part you are able to see the products available within the page and you are alloweded to sort the product by price from low to high and high to low. Also you will be able to see a buttons one for more details part onclicking this you will move to details page of the Product using Id
But If you want to see these pages first you have to login or create and account in the the website. If the auth is true then only you are alloweded to see the products available in each page
If you are a new commer to my shop you can create a new account and after creating new acount login to my website
Also added a private part as admin with specific email and password. On entering that email and password directly redirecting to admin panel
In this page you will get all the details about specific product like product image,price,category,ratings,offers and a button to add the item to the cart
This how my cart page look like in left part you are able to see the product image and details about it and right you can see the billyou are alloweded to remove the items from here
This how my wishList page look like here the items are arranged in a grid formate and you can add the items from details page and you are alloweded to remove the items from here
In payment part there is two options one is for home delivery and the other one is for collect the item from shop. For these two there are some difference in Address part
This is the home page of admin and here as a navbar you can see a menu bar on the top. In this page you can see all the products avaible with in my website and can see two buttons one for edition and another one for adding new product
Here you can edit every details of a product and update it
Here you can add new item to the main page of the website and you can see the new item in product details page too.
In this page there are two part as our address is separated with home delivery and collect from shop. Here also I have separated the both thing and the data will be seen separatly also
Footer part of my website