
Making Class in different programming languages is an attempt to make it possible for all the classes available in one place in different languages!

Primary LanguageC++


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Making Class in different programming languages is an attempt to make available the way of constructing classes in different languages in a centralizes repo.

[Note: Avoid conflict in language. If you are using the same language, try to construct the class in a different manner]

Steps to follow

Step 1: Make a Class named Vehicle with the attributes price, color and model.

Step 2: Make an object car1 with a price 500$, color as Red and model as 008x5

Step 3: Now output the details of the object attributes

Step 4: You are done content wise, now name the file as ClassIn<version (optional)>.<langauge_extension>

For easy reference, look up ClassInPython.py for naming and content