
Example Helm chart for setting up Kowl (Kafka Web Browser) in your Kubernetes cluster.

Primary LanguageMustacheApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Example Helm chart for setting up Kowl (Kafka Web Browser) in your Kubernetes cluster.

Chart Reference - https://github.com/cloudhut/charts

Table of Contents


[1] External DNS - https://github.com/HarshadRanganathan/helm-aws-external-dns

[2] AWS Load Balancer Controller - https://github.com/HarshadRanganathan/helm-aws-load-balancer-controller



Create a new namespace platform where we will install the aws-load-balancer-controller service.

kubectl create namespace platform


Create a certificate in ACM for your domain

Config Updates

In stages/prod/prod-values.yaml file available inside stages/prod folder, add values for below settings:

brokers List of broker urls
schemaRegistry.urls List of schema registry urls
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/certificate-arn ACM certificate arn
Domain name for external access which will be updated in Route53
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/load-balancer-attributes: access_logs.s3.bucket= S3 bucket where the Access logs need to be written

Install/Upgrade Chart

Run below helm command to install/upgrade the helm chart by providing shared and stage specific values.

helm upgrade -i kowl . -n platform --values=stages/shared-values.yaml --values=stages/prod/prod-values.yaml