Table of Contents

  1. Setup
    1. Toubleshooting
  2. Using the SDK
    1. Create PDFFragment via code
    2. Inflate PDFFragment via XML
    3. Split PDF
    4. Manipulate PDF directly (without UI)
    5. Receiving results


The SDK depends on forked versions of PdfiumAndroid and AndroidPdfViewer. Therefore you need to clone 3 repositories in order to setup your build environment.

  • This repository
  • Specific fork of PdfiumAndroid
  • Specific fork of AndroidPdfViewer

Run the following commands at a folder of your choice:

git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://
git clone ssh://

This will generate the following folder structure on your machine:

    └── itext7-android
    └── pdfiumandroid
    └── androidpdfviewer

Double-check that your folder structure looks this way, because it is needed by settings.gradle in order to resolve all modules correctly. If you want to use a different folder structure, make sure to update your settings.gradle accordingly.


No whitespaces in your paths

Do not use spaces in your local paths/directories, as it can lead to all sorts of errors related to Android NDK, ndk-build or cmake.

NDK setup

If you are having problems related to Android NDK, make sure to follow the correct setup procedure:

Using the SDK

The SDK provides different Fragments and classes to manipulate PDF files.

Create PDFFragment via code

You can create a new instance of PdfFragment via code:

private fun showPdfFragment(pdfUri: Uri) {
    // See PdfConfig for all available customization options
    val config = PdfConfig(pdfUri = pdfUri, showScrollIndicator = true)
    // Create PdfFragment
    val pdfFragment = PdfFragment.newInstance(pdfConfig)

    // show fragment, e.g. via supportFragmentManager


Inflate PDFFragment via XML

You can also inflate a PDF fragment via XML. In thise case, the fragment is customizable via different styleables, such as app:enable_split_view, etc.

    <!-- The PDF fragment can be configured in XML via different styleables, such as app:enable_split_view, etc. -->
        app:secondary_color="#C6E6C1" />

Split PDF via Fragment

You can directly launch fragment to split PDF documents via...

private fun showSplitFragment(pdfUri: Uri) {

    val config = PdfConfig(pdfUri = pdfUri, showScrollIndicator = true)
    val splitFragment = SplitDocumentFragment.newInstance(config)
    // show fragment, e.g. via supportFragmentManager

Manipulate PDF directly (without UI)

You can directly manipulate PDF files without showing a Fragment-UI by using the PDFManipulator:

val manipulator = PdfManipulator.create(requireContext(), pdfUri)

// etc...

Receiving PDF results

You can receive fragment results by registering a fragment result listener to your fragmentManager.

private fun listenForPdfFragmentResult(fragmentManager: FragmentManager) {
    fragmentManager.setFragmentResultListener(PdfFragment.REQUEST_KEY, this) { requestKey: String, bundle: Bundle ->

        // Retrieve fragment result from bundle
        val result: PdfResult? = bundle.getParcelable(PdfFragment.RESULT_FILE)

        when (result) {
            is PdfResult.CancelledByUser -> // ...
            is PdfResult.PdfEdited -> // ...
            is PdfResult.PdfSplit -> // ...
            is PdfResult.NoChanges -> // ...
            null -> // ...