
This project has added the power of recognizing speech commands to Mozilla Firefox!

This project is about Multimodal User Interfaces: Speech Recognition API.
The project has been officially sanctioned by Mozilla Corporation as the Final year project for:
        1. Harshank Vengurlekar 
        2. Rohan Dalvi
        3. Jagannath Ramesh

students of University of Mumbai (India). The project has been sanctioned by the Director of Special Projects at Mozilla, Mr.Chris Hofmann. 
The Guide from Mozilla Corporation for this project is Mr. Olli Pettay who is a Mozilla employee.

Before you start with the project, you can just read a bit about the project here ( https://wiki.mozilla.org/SpeechAPI ).

Now, to actually use it, you need to first clone the git repo by using the following command in your terminal:
  $ git clone https://github.com/Harshank/speechAPI.git

This will download the code to your /home folder.

To work with this, you will also need the Mozilla Build, learn more about getting the Mozilla build here ( https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Simple_Firefox_build ).

Once the build process is complete, first dry run the patch file, ensure it doesn't cause errors ( its a clean patch ). 
Still if there are errors, just check the corresponding .rej files and make desired corrections.