
My detailed solutions to Leetcode problems in Python3

Primary LanguagePython


My solutions to Leetcode problems.

Update 5/29/19:

I think that a person trying to solve Leetcode questions will only look for solutions after giving up and trying their best. Therefore, the solutions need to be detailed, so they understand what's happening. Keeping this in mind, I am going to start adding solutions with good explanation with what I am doing and why.

# Problem Python C++
1. Two Sum Python3 40 ms
3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Python3 60 ms
7. Reverse Integer Python3 48 ms
9. Palindrome Number Python3 72 ms
11. Container with Most Water Python3 60 ms
16. 3Sum Closest Python3 156 ms
27. Remove Element Python3 36 ms
28. Implement strStr() Python3 36 ms
42. Trapping Rain Water Python3 52 ms
53. Maximum Subarray Python3 44 ms
66. Plus One Python3 36 ms
70. Climbing Stairs Python3 32 ms
100. Same Tree Python3 36 ms
101. Symmetric Tree Python3 40 ms
104. Maximum Depth of a Binary Tree Python3 52 ms
108. Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Python3 76 ms
111. Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree Python3 56 ms
112. Path Sum Python3 52 ms
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python3 28 ms
125. Valid palindrome Number Python3 56 ms
153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Python3 32 ms
207. Course Schedule Python3 88 ms
208. Implement Trie Python3 220 ms
215. Kth Largest Element in an Array Python3 104 ms
217. Contains Duplicate Python3 48 ms
226. Invert Binary Tree Python3 36 ms
238. Product of Array Except Self Python3 92 ms
500. Keyboard Row Python3 36 ms
509. Fibonacci Number Python3 28 ms
771. Jewels and Stones Python3 44 ms
804. Unique Morse Code Words Python3 40 ms
997. Find the Town Judge Python3 104 ms