File Backup System

This Python script allows you to back up files from a source directory to a destination directory. It provides options to either create a zip archive of the source files or copy them directly to the destination.


  • Python 3.x
  • os, sys, shutil, logging, datetime modules


  1. Clone Repository: Clone this repository to your local machine.

  2. Install Python: Make sure Python 3.x is installed on your system.

  3. Dependencies: Install required Python modules using pip:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Run the Script

Execute the script in your terminal or command prompt:


Follow the Prompts

  1. Enter the absolute path of the source directory.

  2. Specify the destination directory or create one if it doesn't exist.

  3. Choose between creating a zip archive (1) or copying files directly (2).

Backup Operation

  • The script will perform the selected backup operation.
  • Logs are stored in backup.log detailing backup success or errors.


  • Automated Timestamps: Each backup operation is timestamped for the organization.
  • Error Handling: Logs errors encountered during the backup process.
  • Interactive Interface: Guides users through directory selection and backup type.


$ python
File Backup has started
Please enter the source path(Absolute path): /path/to/source
Please enter the Destination path(Absolute path): /path/to/destination
Files and folders in source file are:
- file1.txt
- file2.jpg
Total number of files in source: 2 files
Enter the type of backup:
1. Making an archive
2. Copying all files into destination.
Enter your choice(1-2): 1
Backup created successfully at /path/to/destination/