Log Rotation Tool

This Python script automates log file rotation based on the size and number of files in a specified directory. It utilizes os, sys, shutil, logging, gzip, and argparse modules.


  • Log Directory Setup:

    • Creates the specified log directory if it does not exist.
    • Handles user input to create the directory if necessary.
  • Rotation Criteria:

    • Rotates log files based on maximum size (max_size) and maximum number of files (max_file).
    • Compresses logs exceeding max_size into gzip format and truncates the original file.
    • Removes older log files beyond max_file to maintain directory cleanliness.
  • Logging:

    • Logs rotation actions, errors, and status updates using the logging module.
    • Configures logging to record timestamps, log levels, and messages to a rotation.log file within the specified directory.


  1. Setup:

    • Ensure Python 3.x and necessary modules (os, sys, shutil, logging, gzip, argparse) are installed.
  2. Command Line Arguments:

    • --log_dir: Absolute path to the directory containing log files (required).
    • --max_size: Maximum size in bytes for each log file before rotation (default: 10 MB).
    • --max_file: Maximum number of log files to retain in the directory (default: 5).
  3. Running the Script:

    • Execute the script with appropriate command line arguments:
      python log_rotation_tool.py --log_dir /path/to/logs --max_size 10485760 --max_file 5
  4. Output:

    • Displays compression and removal actions taken.
    • Logs all operations to rotation.log in the specified --log_dir.


Assume /path/to/logs contains log files exceeding the configured limits:

python log_rotation_tool.py --log_dir /path/to/logs --max_size 10485760 --max_file 5


/path/to/logs 10485760 5
Welcome to logging rotation tool
Compressed /path/to/logs/logfile1.log
Compressed /path/to/logs/logfile2.log
/path/to/logs/logfile3.log.gz removed.
Log rotation done.

Adjust configurations (max_size and max_file) based on your specific requirements and system capabilities.