This is a Bash script designed to display a list of package managers, their installation status, and allow users to install or remove package managers based on their choices. The script supports various Linux distributions, including Debian-based, RPM-based, Arch-based, SUSE-based, and other package managers.
- Lists package managers with their installation status.
- Provides an option to install or remove package managers.
- Supports multiple Linux distributions.
- Color-coded output for installed and not installed package managers.
Clone the Repository
git clone cd Packmanager-Installer-makes-easy
Make the Script Executable
chmod +x
Run the Script
Follow the Prompts
The script will display a table of package managers and their status. Enter the number corresponding to the package manager you want to install or remove. Confirm your choice by typing "yes" or "no". Enter your password when prompted for sudo access.
Script Details
Color Coding: Green: Installed Red: Not Installed Blue: Section Titles
Tables: Uses box-drawing characters for table formatting.
Supported Package Managers: Debian-Based: apt, dpkg, snap, flatpak, aptitude, gdebi RPM-Based: yum, dnf, rpm, zypper Arch-Based: pacman, yay, paru SUSE-Based: zypper, swup Other: brew, nala, guix, nix, docker, kubectl, helm, composer Additional Tools: cargo, pip
If you'd like to contribute to this project, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. You can also open issues if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements.
Thanks to tput for the terminal color codes.