
This project is about implementing the Data Encryption Standard (DES) block cipher algorithm using python and tkinter gui.

Primary LanguagePython

What is DES?

It is an encryption/decryption algrotihm or technique used to encrypt and decrypt a block of data. You can read more about the algorithm here and also here.

Features of DES:

  1. It used to encrypt messgae (plain text) of length 64-bits and produce the cipher text (unreadable message) of length 64-bit too.
  2. It used symmetric key, means that the same key will be used for both encryption & decryption.
  3. It gets the power from using the F function which is a function involves several consecutive steps.
  4. The algorithm involves 16-rounds and in each round there is 48-bit key(i) used for both encryption & decryption.

Message Processing

Some of code snippet from our project. Here we're trying to convert our initial plain text (message) to binary:

    initialMsg = plainText.get(1.0,END)
    if len(initialMsg) < 9 or len(initialMsg) > 9:
        print("Please, enter 64 bits or 8 bytes as initial message ")
        byteMsg = initialMsg.encode('utf-8')
        hexaMsg = str(byteMsg.hex())
        tempMsg = []
        s = ""
        for i in str(hexaMsg):
            for j in hexa_to_bin:
                if i == j:
        binMsg = s.join(tempMsg)