✨🎆🎉 Important points about this Repository!!!!! 🎉🎆✨
- This Repository has been created for the Winter Project for Open Source under Developer Student Club SLOP Program.
- The project is to be based on Machine Learning or Deep Learning.
- Any other technology can be used if it is required. For example, Cloud Computing knowledge can be used if the machines are running on cloud.
- This project aims to use Machine Learning or Deep Learning algorithms to group some machines/systems based on the resource usage.
Link of the dataset used in this project : http://gwa.ewi.tudelft.nl/datasets/gwa-t-13-materna
One script is to be constructed in this project, in which the main function will take one argument(an Integer number), & that argument signifies the number of machine which has to clustered using any Machine Learning or Deep Learning Algorithm.
The script which has to be created, must have the capability to select the given number of machines which are having most of their resources free among the total machines running anywhere.
Any way/technology can be used to retrieve the metrics of the machine which are running, & those metrics has to be used to identify the machines with most of their resources free using any Machine Learning or Deep Learning algorithms.
After identifying the machines, their public IP Addresses (if on cloud, or local IP Address if in a local network) should be returned by the script.
This project can be used to identify the machines on which multiple workloads can be deployed.
This project can be used in any field in the world. For example, if there is a cluster of machines in the Big Data World, & there is a requirement to run some processes, then we should know on which machine, the tasks has to be deployed. This requirement can be fulfilled by this project.
This project can find out its role in multiple other technologies like Cloud, automation, or any other technology/Area to help the person/team to identify the machines with free resources in a big cluster on the fly.