This repository is the collection of JSP Programs that has been done While Learning JSP at college as well as the collection of the program that were done while solving the daily Challenges.

This repo has divided into three main categories that covers:-

  1. Learning Programs:- This section contains all the programs that contain HTML and JSP codes, which can be easly shown on the web.

  2. Backend JSP:- This section only contails the Core JSP programs which is Backend codes of all the forms which are in the Learning Programs section.

  3. JSP Folders Description:- This section have information of the Folders which contain some amazing programs after learing JSP from College and Other Sources.

Apache Tomcat software is used to run the JSP codes in HTML.

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Apache Tomcat

The Apache Tomcat software is an open source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Server Pages, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta WebSocket, Jakarta Annotations and Jakarta Authentication specifications. These specifications are part of the Jakarta EE platform.

Without Apache Tomcat you cannot run your jsp codes.

This is the official website (https://tomcat.apache.org) of the Apache Tomcat from where you can download the software as per your requirment.

How to install Apache Tomcat on your devices.

  1. Installation On Windows

  2. Installation On Linux/Mac

JSP College Programs

Folders Description
1. fullName Prints the full name on the page.
2. sum Calculated sum of two numbers.
3. changeBg Changes the background color of the pages on change of form value using JS.
4. sessionHandling This is the external jsp file of form4show that how we can change the external jsp Text color.
5. get-creative This Folder contains a todo-list program made from jsp.


Programs Description
1. check.jsp: Program to check wheather web page is working on localhost or not.
2. jsp_inside_html.jsp: Program to show how to write JSP codes in html.
3. if_else.jsp: Program to show how to use if else in html using jsp by checking wheather the number is even or odd.
4. for_loop.jsp: Program to show how to use for loop inside html using jsp.
5. form1.jsp: Program to show how to make a form with html and jsp & use of action attribute in form.
6. form2.jsp: Program to check weather the number is even or odd in the form
7. form3.jsp: Program to show that how we can change the external jsp background color.
8. form4.jsp: Program to show that how we can change the external jsp Text color.
9. form5.jsp: Program to show that how to check the login id or password is correct or not.
10. form6.jsp: Program to make a dynamic table.
11. form7.jsp: Program to print row and column number in each cell of the dynamic table.
12. form8.jsp: Program to show that how to redirect page as per the login id and password is correct or not.
13. pageredirect.jsp: Program to show how to redirect a page in jsp.

Miscellaneous Programs

Programs Description
1. code1.jsp This is the external jsp file of form1 which show's how to write jsp externally.
2. code2.jsp This is the external jsp file of form1 which check's weather the number is even or odd in the form.
3. code3.jsp This is the external jsp file of form3 show that how we can change the external jsp background color.
4. code4.jsp This is the external jsp file of form4show that how we can change the external jsp Text color.
5. code5.jsp This is the external jsp file of form5 show that how to check the login id or password is correct or not.
6. code6.jsp This is the external jsp file of form6 which make's a dynamic table.
7. code7.jsp This is the external jsp file of form7 which print's row and column number in each cell of the dynamic table.
8. code8.jsp This is the external jsp file of form8 which show's that how to redirect page as per the login id and password is correct or not.
9. invalid.jsp This is the external jsp file of form8 which show's what will happen when the login is invalid.
10. success.jsp This is the external jsp file of form8 which show's what will happen when the login is valid.