
A Java project to implement a Lucene based Search Engine

Primary LanguageJava


A Java project to implement a Lucene based Search Engine Author: Harshita Agrawal

Project Name: LuceneSearchEngine Package Name: lucenesearchengine

Java Class File: LuceneSearchEngine.java: Main Class : No arguments

Libraries referenced: a) lucene-analyzers-common-4.7.2.jar b) lucene-queries-4.7.2.jar c) lucene-core-4.7.2.jar d) lucene-queryparser-4.7.2.jar e) jsoup-1.8.3.jar

=============================================================================================== CONFIGURTION INSTRUCTIONS:

Environment used to build the project: JDK 1.8 , JAVA v.8 Pre-requisite: Java Development Environment

=============================================================================================== HOW TO RUN THE COMPILED JAR :

To run the Jar file:
	java -jar /path/to/the/jar/lucenesearchengine.jar 

================================================================================================ ATTACHMENTS:

  1. The working project with source code.
  2. 1 jar file lucenesearchengine.jar
  3. A sorted (by frequency) list of (term, term_freq pairs) in the file: sorted_(by frequency)list_of(term-term_freq pairs).xls
  4. A plot of the resulting Zipfian curve in the file: ZipfsPlot.pdf
  5. Four lists (one per query) each containing at MOST 100 docIDs ranked by score in the files: Query1_100_docIDs_ranked_by_score.xls Query2_100_docIDs_ranked_by_score.xls Query3_100_docIDs_ranked_by_score.xls Query4_100_docIDs_ranked_by_score.xls
  6. A table comparing the total number of documents retrieved per query using Lucene’s scoring function vs. using your search engine (index with BM25) : Total_Documents_Comparison_Lucene&BM25.xls


================================================================================================ HOW DOES THE PROGRAM WORK?

  1. Enter the path where the Index will be created.
  2. Enter the path of the directory where the files to be indexed are present.
  3. Before indexing, remove the HTML markup in the documents using jsoup library.
  4. Using lucene's indexing libraries, write the index at the specified location by defining Fields such as TextField for contents and StringField for document path.
  5. Once the index is written, perform the following tasks: a) Get the frequencies for all the terms indexed. b) Run the queries
  6. To fetch the frequency of all the terms occuring in the index, read the index file first and loop through all the Terms in the index using lucene's library classes TermsEnum, DocsEnum and Terms.
  7. Get the frequencies for all the terms using lucene's library method.
  8. To search the queries, read the index file and set the lucene's TopDocumentCollector to search for top 100 document hits.
  9. Using lucene's ranking and scoring methods, rank the documents and retreive the top 100 document hits for each query
  10. The output files fromt he program run are csv files and are stored in the directory location same as the project folder.