
ABN AMRO Assignment - TV Shows App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ABN AMRO Assignment for Medior Front-End Developer

Objective :

  • The purpose of this assignment is to showcase my familiarity with frontend technologies, programming patterns, my ability to write clean and reusable code and my basic knowledge on design.

  • Create a Single Page Web Application which allows users to view the TV shows and their details.

Table of contents:

Requirement Analysis

Functional Requirments

  • Display popular TV shows (by default descending order of their rating)
  • Search for a TV show by name
  • Filter TV shows by genre
  • Sort TV shows by rating
  • Show Details of TV Show through Search suggestion
  • Show Details of TV Show by clicking on the Show Card display in Dashboard
  • Display some info of the TV show
  • Display the Seasons & Episodes List for a given show

Additional Features that I implemented :

  • Autosuggestion feature for search
  • Filter sorted shows and sort filtered shows
  • Display the Seasons & Episodes List for a given show
  • Toggle Show/Hide of Seasons details using Accordion
  • Toggle Show/Hide of Episodes details using Accordion
  • Optimized API calls to fetch Episodes

Non-Functional Requirements

  • Responsive & Mobile friendly
  • Performance Optimization
  • Maintainability & Reusable code
  • User-friendly Design
  • User Engagement during API data fetch (Shimmer or Loading Indicator)

Tech Stack

  • UI Framework : React (Because I have experience and strong fundamental understanding of React and in technical point of view it's easy to develop, it's component-based architecture so we can create modular and reusable code, its virtual DOM minimizes unnecessary DOM manipulations. All these points apply to Vue as well, I am newbie learning Vue, So I thought of completing the assignment in React first and then try to map the conceptual knowledge to Vue to see how these frameworks eventually work in similar fashion (of course embrace their differences as well). For example : Lifting up state in React is similar to emitting events in Vue, Context API is similar to project/inject in vue, lifecycle hooks of React vs Vue, Reactivity in React vs Vue. I know Vue is the framework that I would be working in after joining ABN AMRO, so mind mapping the programming patterns will make it easy to pick up any framework. We can discuss more on this during the interview)
  • Routing : React Router DOM (Commonly used client-side routing library for react)
  • CSS Framework : Tailwind CSS (Tailwind automatically removes all unused CSS when building for production, responsive design with breakpoints, don't have to spend time on writing long css in css files, reusable classes)
  • Data/State Management : React in-built techniques like Props drilling, lifting up state and Context API for sharing data (props) between components. I would have used Redux as state management library for complex application. Since this app does not have complex data to be globally stored, I did not use any framework for state management to have minimum scaffholding (which was one of the assignment's requirement).
  • Testing Framework : Jest & React Testing Library
  • Hosting : Netlify (I thought it will be easy for reviewers to see live demo of the app without having to run scripts)


Based on the requirements, I am planning to use Client-Side Rendering Architecture. I am just using React library without any framework like Next.js as it is not required.

Programming patterns

  • API Performance (Used Debouncing technique to limit the number of API calls to search the TV show)
  • Clean code (Created components based on single responsibility principle)
  • Reusable code (Created utilities for helper functions like fetching API data )
  • Rendering Optimization (Memoized some functions/data to avoid unnnecessary re-renders)
  • Loading and Error handling
  • Choosing the right state management technique. (props drilling when props need to be passed to child components, lifting up state to parent when siblings component needs info about each other or child needs to pass props to parent, and Context API to store the result of Episodes data to avoid unneccessary API calls )
  • User engagement during API data fetch (Used Shimmer component to provide a visual cue)
  • User Friendly Design (Consistent UI Look)



  • Used ABN AMRO Brand Colors and Fonts
  • Simple UI with only required info
  • Responsive design : Works in all devices and screen sizes. (mobile, extra-small screens, small screens, medium screens, large and extra-large screens)

UI Component Hierarchy


Data from API

shows - array of "show" object

show - contains info about the show ( making use of few required keys like name, image, summary, genres, language, type, rating, status and network from show object )

seasons - array of "season" info about the show (need Season name, number, episodeOrder)

episodes - name, id, number, summary, type, rating, network, runtime

I usually start coding after HLD of components based on UX and data structure from API so that everybody can be on the same page.

API Endpoints

Using an open TV shows API http://www.tvmaze.com/api for TV shows data. Maintaining all dynamic data (API urls, constant values) in a separate file so that changes can be easily made in future.

Live Demo

Please check https://abn-amro-assignment.netlify.app/ for live demo. If you want to run the app in local, please check next section.

Running Scripts

After cloning the project, you can run the following in the project directory.

yarn install or npm install

Installs the required packages.

yarn start or npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn test or npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.\

yarn build or npm build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!