Meal Planner Api!

This is the api used for the meal-planner app help you plan and view your meals for the week


Set up

Complete the following steps to start a new project (NEW-PROJECT-NAME):

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine git clone NEW-PROJECTS-NAME
  2. cd into the cloned repository
  3. Make a fresh start of the git history for this project with rm -rf .git && git init
  4. Install the node dependencies npm install
  5. Move the example Environment file to .env that will be ignored by git and read by the express server mv example.env .env
  6. Edit the contents of the package.json to use NEW-PROJECT-NAME instead of "name": "sous-chef",
  7. Migrate the database to the latest version


Start the application npm start

Run the tests npm test

Run in development mode npm run dev

Deploy to a server npm run deploy

Migrate database npm run migrate

Api routes


`GET` get all meals for a specified user

`POST` add a new meal


`GET` get meals by week date

`DELETE` delete meal by id

`PATCH` edit meal by id


`GET` get all recipes for a specified user matching query

`POST` add a new recipe


`POST` login 

/api/refresh POST refresh jwt authentication token


  `POST` add a new user