
Learning To Stop While Learning To Predict

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Learning To Stop While Learning To Predict (ICML 2020)

If you found this library useful in your research, please consider citing

  title={Learning to stop while learning to predict},
  author={Chen, Xinshi and Dai, Hanjun and Li, Yu and Gao, Xin and Song, Le},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},
  title={Learning to Stop While Learning to Predict},
  author={Chen, Xinshi and Dai, Hanjun and Li, Yu and Gao, Xin and Song, Le},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.05082},

Reproduce Experiments In Sec 5.1. Sparse Recovery

Install the module

Please navigate to the root of this repository, and run the following command to install the lista_stop module.

pip install -e .

Run traditional algorithms: ISTA and FISTA

Navigate to the /lista_stop/baselines folder and run the following commands to reproduce results of ISTA and FISTA, respectively.

sh run_ista.sh

sh run_fista.sh

Run the baseline model: LISTA

Navigate to the /lista_stop/experiments folder and run the following command.

sh run_lista.sh

Run our method: LISTA-stop

The training process of LISTA-stop has two stages. For stage 1 training, navigate to the /lista_stop/experiments folder and run the following command.


For stage 2 training, run the following command.


Reproduce Experiments In Sec 5.2. MAML

Please navigate to maml_stop/ folder for the details.

Reproduce Experiments In Sec 5.3. Image Denoising

Configure the environment

Please navigate to the section folder ./dncnn_stop. Then, using the following command, we can configure the environment for the denoise experiments. Please keep the environment activated for this section.

conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate dncnn_stop

Download the dataset

Please download the dataset and unzip the dataset in this folder.

Run our method

Please run the following command to check our method.

# pretrain the model
python -u train.py --model DnCNN --outf logs/dncnn_b_l20_all_train_n55 \
	--num_of_layers 20 --batchSize 256 --epoch 50

# fine-tuning with tao as 10
python -u train.py --model DnCNN_DS --outf logs/dncnn_b_ds_l20_all_train_tune_tao10 \
	--train_all True --batchSize 256 --lr 1e-4 --epoch 50 \
	--tao 10 --pretrain_path logs/dncnn_b_l20_all_train_n55/net.pth \
	--pretrain True

# policy training, this is in test phase
python train_stop_kl.py \
	--outf logs/dncnn_b_ds_l20_all_train_tune_tao10 --restart True -phase test

# joint training, this is in test phase
python train_stop_joint.py \
	--outf logs/dncnn_b_ds_l20_all_train_tune_tao10 --restart True -phase test

# Quantitative evaluation
for noise in 35 45 55 65 75; do
	python -u test.py --test_data Set68  --num_of_layers 20 \
		--logdir logs/dncnn_b_ds_l20_all_train_tune_tao10 --model DnCNN_DS \
		--test_noiseL ${noise}

# generate the denoised images
for noise in 45 65;do
	python -u test.py --test_data Set68  --num_of_layers 20 \
		--logdir logs/dncnn_b_ds_l20_all_train_tune_tao10 --model DnCNN_DS \
		--test_noiseL ${noise} --save_img True --img_folder ./out_imgs/dncnn_stop_${noise}

Reproduce Experiments In Sec 5.4. Image Recognition

Please navigate to the section folder ./sdn_stop.

Download the dataset

Download TinyImageNet from https://tiny-imagenet.herokuapp.com/, place it under data/ and use data.py - create_val_folder() to generate proper directory structure.

Run the experiment

# Train the classifiers
python train_networks.py

# Check the performance of sdn and l2stop. The policy network would not work at the current stage for this task.
python train_stop_kl.py

Credit and note

We build this part based on http://shallowdeep.network. We mainly changed the loss function in model_funcs.py.