
This is a simple console base game of TIC TAC TOI, where you can play 2 player game with your friend with 3 x 3 or 4 x 4 game.

This is my first Python project after learning from CS50 Python course from David J. Malan.

Step by Step explanation of code

1 -> create a main function which include a taking input from users and createting a matrix with createMatrix function 2 -> a createMatrix function will create 3 array if game is 3 * 3 then it will append it to matrix. 3 -> then gamePlay function will start, and all the matrix have with values 0 to 8 so we can choose from it, and it will displayed on console with a simple diagram. 4 -> each player will get turn one after another with the help of counter which will run for 3 * 3 times. 5 -> after each turn game will check for winner