
A website where immigrants connect to find a community.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This web starter template is based on Spring, PostgreSQL, React, React router and Axios. Check the following links for documentation and guides:


Our development environment for a full-stack web application will consist of three main parts:

  1. Database (Postgres).
  2. Backend server (Spring).
  3. Frontend development server (React).


  • docker and docker-compose.
  • nodejs.

Starting the database

In the root folder, run

docker-compose up

Starting the backend server

Open the root folder and run

./gradlew bootRun

Starting the frontend development server

The frontend application is in the directory frontend. From there, run

npm install

to install all the dependencies needed for the project.

Then start the frontend application by running

npm start

Backend - API

These are the endpoints for the posts API that should exist:

User Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /users return loggedIn User.
GET /users/{userName} return false if userName not found, True if userName found case sensitive
POST /users Sets firstLogIn to true on User profile.
PUT /users Update the given User, this route is used to add Avatar and Bio as well.
DELETE /users Delete logged in user.

Group Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /groups return all groups not created or joined by user.
GET /groups/{groupId} return a group by given groupId
POST /groups Create a new group.
POST /groups/{groupId} Join a group.
POST /groups/{groupId}/topics/{topicId} Join a topic.
PUT /groups Update group tile, group description, group rules or group avatar only.
DELETE /groups/{groupId} Delete a Group
DELETE /groups/{groupId}/topics/{topicId} Remove topic from group.
DELETE /groups/{groupId}/user Leave a group

Post Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /posts return all posts.
GET /posts/{postId} return a specific post based on the provided id.
POST /posts/{groupId} create a new post on a given Group.
PUT /posts/{postId} update the given post.
DELETE /posts/{postId} delete the given post.

Post Like Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /posts/{postId}/likes Get all likes on a given post
POST /posts/{postId}/likes Create a like on a given post
DELETE /posts/likes/{id} Delete a like on a given post

Post Dislikes Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /posts/{postId}/dislikes returns all dislikes on a post.
POST /posts/{postId}/dislikes create a dislike on a given post
DELETE /posts/dislikes/{Id} delete the given dislike.

Comment Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /comments/{postId} return all comments for a specific post.
POST /comments/{postId} create a new comment on the given post.
PUT /comments/{commentId} update the given comment.
DELETE /comments/{commentId} delete the given comment.

Comment Like Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /comments/{commentId}/likes Get all likes on a given Comment
POST /comments/{commentId}/likes Create a like on a given comment
DELETE /comments/likes/{id} Delete a like on a given comment

Comment Dislikes Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /comments/{commentId}/dislikes return all dislikes for a specific comment.
POST /comments/{commentId}/dislikes create a dislike on the given comment.
DELETE /comments//dislikes/{Id} delete the given dislike.

Topic Routes

HTTP Method HTTP Path Action
GET /comments/{commentId}/likes Get all likes on a given comment
POST /comments/{commentId}/likes Create a like on a given comment
DELETE /comments/likes/{id} Delete a like on a given comment