Course content

There will be weekly handin assignments and individual class presentations, that is how you get studypoints (no points are given for attendance!) Throughout the semester you must have 5 approved group presentations to qualify for examination.

Preliminary Class schedule is shown below (subject to change)

Uger Dato Emne Indhold Læringsmål Uge opgaver
1 31-01-2023 Flow 1 Getting started, Python language features Learning objectives ex 1
2 07-02-2023 Flow 1 Whirlwind, Lists, Loops, Cond. Stmts., Functions, Modules Learning objectives ex 2
3 14-02-2023 Flow 1 OOP, Exceptions, plotting Learning objectives ex 3
4 21-02-2023 Flow 2 Intro to Numpy Learning objectives ex 4
5 28-02-2023 Flow 2 Intro to Pandas Learning objectives ex 5
6 07-03-2023 Flow 2 Webscraping, Regular Exp, Selenium and Requests Learning objectives ex 6
7 14-03-2023 Flow 2 Semester project part 1 INGEN UNDERVISNING
8 21-03-2023 Flow 3 Feature spaces Learning objectives ex 7
9 28-03-2023 Flow 3 Feature engineering and Clustering Learning objectives ex 8
10 04-04-2023 Påskeferie
11 11-04-2023 Flow 3 Neural Networks and classification of images Læringsmål ex 9
12 18-04-2023 Flow 3 Working with images OpenCV Learning objectives ex 11
13 25-04-2023 Flow 3 Working with text Learning objectives ex 10
14 02-05-2023 Flow 4 Semester project
15 09-05-2023 Flow 4 Semester project
16 16-05-2023 Flow 4 Semester project
17 23-05-2023 Flow 4 Eksamensforberedelse
18 31-05-2023 Hand-in Semester projekt
(06-07)-06-2023 Eksamen

Studypoint assignment sheet