
Example project on how to develop project on Docker Compose with React and Node.js and MongoDB with Mongoose.

Run application

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run docker-compose up to start application
  3. Run docker exec node-api node test_data/populate_users.js to populate 3 users
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application running

Dev setup

In the package.json file of the react_app, there is a "proxy": "http://node-api:3080" setting that allows webpack to forward reqeuests to the node-api container, as though it were running on the same host with relative paths.

For production

Use nginx to serve the static files from the react_app container and proxy requests to the node_api container.

Server endpoints

File: api/routes/users.js

Url Method Description
/users GET Get all users
/users/:id GET Get user by id
/users POST Create new user
/users/:id PUT Update user by id
/users/:id DELETE Delete user by id

Client endpoints

File: react_app/src/services/userService.js

Url Method Description
/ GET Get all users
/:id GET Get user by id
/add POST Create new user
/:id PUT Update user by id
/:id DELETE Delete user by id

JWT token

jwt is implemented on the backend. In routes/login.js is the login endpoint and in routes/users.js is the authentication middleware where the token is verified on a protected route.

  • Also added a middleware to verify and refresh the token. So there is a middleware that just validates the token and another that will refresh the token if it expires within 1 minute. It then attaches a new token to the response header: authorization.