
From book of Robert Nystrom "Crafting Interpreters".

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Crafting Interpreters

I try to create my own interpreter using as guide the Crafting Interpreters written by Robert Nystrom. Is an incredible book which anyone can follow because it is available also from his personal blog https://craftinginterpreters.com/.

The book is seperated into three parts:

First Part

He analyses how a programming language works. What happened in compile time. What is the difference between Compiler, Interpreter and Bytecode Compilation.

Second Part

He starts to create an interpreter using Java (but as you can see this repository is C#. I try to port the Java code into C#). The second part starts to explain and code everything that had mentioned in the first part.

Third Part

In the last part, he is using C to create from scratch a bytecode compiler. With its own VM to run in multiple platforms.

About Repository

Repository have created with .NET 8 with AOT Support.