- 1
Attempting to import from Steam throws error about cloud id mismatch and flag state
#17 opened by BRTPOB - 0
Update needed for xgp-import to support Starfield after the recent big patch =)
#15 opened by Howard-Starfield - 1
- 4
Starfield V1.9.51.0
#12 opened by Howard-Starfield - 5
- 2
- 4
Mismatch between cloud id and flag state
#7 opened by Ned-Flanders - 5
unsupported container flag: 3
#5 opened by FadingLotus - 3
unsupported container flag: 3
#2 opened by z7ui - 3
can't sync imported steam save with the cloud
#6 opened by nex86 - 18
not working
#1 opened by Bcawesomer - 1