
This is an android tic tac toe game that has a strong AI.

Primary LanguageJava



This is a tic tac toe android app wtih Android Studio in Java. I created all objects: O's, X's, and a table from scratch using Figma.

  • Implemented a strong AI with Mini-Max Algorithm.
  • Used SharedPreferences (Interface) to store data for checking dark mode and the score counter.
  • Used MediaPlayer (Interface) to add sound effects and background music.

Problems I faced

  • It was hard to implement Mini-Max Algorithm since I needed to figure out how to deal with 2 conditions: Player goes first and AI goes first.
  • Implementing background music was hard since I had to figure out switching the music depending on appropriate scenes.
  • I still have an issue on background music that I can hear some noise in the background. I assume the noise occurs since the background music is overlapped. It is hard to figure out since it's hard to find which part is overlapped.

Future goal

  • I am currently learning Firebase to make a global score counter which players can observe Human’s and AI’s wins.
  • I will figure out the background music issue.


I've noticed a video delay when uploading it to GitHub. You can visit here to view the version without any delay. (The sound volume on YouTube is way lower than what I heard on the actual device 😢.)
