Learn how to build web apps using dash and plotly
pip install dash==0.28.2 # The core dash backend
pip install dash-html-components==0.13.2 # HTML components
pip install dash-core-components==0.33.0 # Supercharged components
pip install plotly==3.3.0
Run python app.py
in your terminal.
- Import the data using pandas. Feel free to use the NumPy + Pandas bootcamp as a guide.
- Display a table with the data. The Dash user guide has an example of how to create a table from a Pandas DataFrame.
- Create a bar graph showing the number of people who ranked each house first. Plotly documentation may be helpful.
- Create an interactive bar chart with a dropdown menu that allows you to select a house and view the distribution of rankings for that house. Dropdown documentation can be found here.
- Change the title of the page to something more appropriate.
- Link dash and plotly to their respective websites.
- Make something prettier by changing
. - Challenge: Enable multiple selection on the dropdown and show multiple house ranking distributions on the same graph.