Download Terraform on the system Extract the zip file Put it inside Program Files folder in C Drive Set path in System Variables

Link :

Create an user with full access on aws

Download the user credentials file on local system

Configure the aws on the terminal

PS D:\Terraform> aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [****************AYOQ]: 
AWS Secret Access Key [****************N78O]: 
Default region name [None]: 
Default output format [None]: 

Some common Commands

terraform init

Initializes the Configuration

Aws Provider Plugin is downloaded

terraform validate

Validates the Syntax and File Configs

terraform plan
terraform plan -out m3.tfplan

Looks at config files and also loads variables from tfvars file

takes a look at existing env , looks at what you want to do in your config & figures out what it needs to do to make reality match whats in your config.

terraform apply
terraform apply "m3.tfplan"

Applies/Executes the plan

terraform destroy

Looks at the state file and what resources were created & destroys all of those.