The challenge for me has been to integrate the verification system using jwt
Sending mail within Gmail was a challenging part for me
And the image storage part in the cloud was more challenging for me as I implemented cloudinary for the first time in my life.
- product setup commands
install all packages - yarn | npm i
run - yarn dev | npm run dev
build - yarn build | npm run build
- Implement a registration form with the following fields:
- Name
- Phone
- Image (profile picture)
- Date of Birth (DOB)
- Implement user authentication using JWT.
- Users should be able to log in and log out.
- Upon successful registration, send an email verification link to the user's provided email address.
- Implement an endpoint that handles email verification using JWT.
- Users should only be able to access the admin panel after email verification.
- express
- bcrypt
- cors
- jsonwebtoken
- multer
- eslint
- prettier
- typescript
- dotenv
- http-status
- mongoose
- ts-node-dev
- cookie-parser
- cloudinary
- multer
- nodemailer
- zod