Simulation of an ATM.

Primary LanguageJava

ATM Simulator

The ATM Simulator does exactly as its name implies - it emulates an ATM's "login" feature (credentials being credit card number and PIN) and basic functionalities such as balance inquiry, withdrawal, and transfer. The ATM Simulator is a web app created using Spring Boot and various Java plugins (listed as dependencies in the Maven POM file).


  • Created the front-end using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Leveraged Thymeleaf to connect the front-end with the back-end
  • Constructed and maintained the MySQL database
  • Established database connectivity using JPA and Hibernate
  • Implemented all functionalities including view and update balance requests
  • Configured build environment and dependencies with Maven


  • Java, Spring Boot, Spring Web, Spring Security, MVC
  • JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Thymeleaf
  • JPA, Hibernate
  • MySQL, MySQL Java Connector
  • Git, Maven, Spring Boot DevTools

Run Locally:

  1. Install Java 8, MySQL 5.5+, and a Java IDE (this project used IntelliJ IDEA).
  2. Configure MySQL with username root and password admin123. This project assumes that these are the login credentials for MySQL. Alternatively, if you want to use different credentials, be sure to change spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password in src/main/resources/application.properties as needed.
  3. Start the MySQL server, and run the atm.sql script (located in this directory). The script creates a database called atm with tables users and accounts prefilled with information.
  4. In your IDE, build the project with Maven 3.3+, and then run src/main/java/com/ahs/Application.java. This will start the web app.
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/app/login in your web browser. Card numbers can be found starting from line 17 of the atm.sql file, and their associated PINs are in comments at the end of the respective line. For example, card number 378282246310005 has PIN 123.
  6. That's it! Play around with the app, and see the changes updated in your MySQL database.