
Generates a text file containing the report card of all students in a "database" (modeled by CSV files).

Primary LanguagePython

Title: Report Card Generator

Author: Hasan Abdullah (hasanabdullah31415@gmail.com)


Given the files students.csv, courses.csv, tests.csv, and marks.csv with appropriate headers (see example files attached), this script (main.py) generates a text file report.txt containing the report cards of each student. The script assumes that the information in the CSV files are valid (no empty entries, no repeated entries, no conflicting entries, etc.), and throws errors otherwise. Note that the order of the students in the report card is based on student ID, and the order of the courses is based on course ID.


  1. In the command line, run python main.py (assumes you are in this directory)
  2. Assuming there are no errors, the report cards will be output to report.txt

NOTES: The Python version should be at least 2.7.16. Also, report.txt will be overwritten after the script runs successfully, so be careful!