
Blog application using django framework

Primary LanguageShell

Wiki & Dope

A simple blog application created using Django and Bootstrap


  • User authentication
  • Create, Update, Delete, View Posts.
  • Update, Delete User.
  • Markdown Text Editor.

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Codes and Resources Used

Getting Started

  • Clone the repository : https://github.com/rishabdhar12/wiki_and_dope.git
  • Install packages : pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run migrations : python3 manage.py makemigrations and python3 manage.py migrate
  • Run project : python3 manage.py runserver


  • Add comments section and likes/dislikes.
  • Add categories.
  • Email and password reset feature.
  • Deploy the application


Contributions are always welcome and highly appreciated. Please star the repo and feel free to make pull requests.