This is an android application that shows Lists of movies and Tv Shows with the help of TMDB (the Movie DataBase) api.

Primary LanguageKotlin


This is an android application that shows Lists of movies, Tv Shows and details of each movie and tv show with the help of TMDB (The Movie DataBase) API.


  • Discover Popular, Top Rated and Now Playing movies on TMDb.
  • View movie details like release date, rating, tagline and overview inside the app.
  • Discover popular, Top Rated, on TV and Airing today TV shows.
  • view Tv show details like release date, rating, tagline and overview inside the app.

Architecture and Tech features

  • Fully written in Kotlin language.
  • Built on MVVM architecture pattern.
  • Uses Android Architecture Components, specifically ViewModel and LiveData.
  • Uses Retrofit for making API calls.
  • Uses Picasso for image loading.



In order to run this application, you need to get your own key from TMDb. You can do that by clicking here.

After you get an API key, put that key in gradle.properties file as follows:



  • Works offline by caching data into a database.
  • using Fragments in this app.
  • UI Improvements espicaially movie and TV show details screens.