

1.Install node js. 2. Visual Studio Code 2019. 3. Install dotnet ef global tool using this command "dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef".

Installation guide or Watch the video to open project "How to.mp4"

  1. Download the repositories.
  2. Then go to the "Product-Inventory-ERP-System" Folder.
  3. Open the or click "Update Database.bat" file that will be update database.
  4. To Open Application first Open the "Run Data Server.bat" then open the "Run Client Site.bat" File.

Folder Structure

  1. Go to the "Product-Inventory-ERP-System" Folder then you can find the all of folder about application.
  2. Model => DatabaseModel.cs File.
  3. Migrations => Database Migrations files.
  4. Controllers => Home Controller, ProductType Controller, Category Controller, Product Controller.
  5. Model => RandomStringGenerator.cs this file is use Generate random string for _Key Properties.
  6. Views => You will find the all of Razor Views files.
  7. wwwwroot => You will find Client Side Validation and some framwork.

Technologies and approach used in Project.

  1. ASP.NET Core MVC.
  2. ASP.NET Core Framework 5.
  3. Entity Framework Core.
  4. MS SQL Server.
  5. C# Programming Language.
  6. Bootstrap 5 CSS Framework.
  7. Code-First approach of system development.

Requirement filled in Project.

  1. One to Many Relationship Database.
  2. Code-First approach in Model.
  3. Data Anotation Server Side.
  4. Data Anotation Client Side.
  5. Partial View in Navigation.
  6. Partial View with AJAX.
  7. Custom validation for prevent to pick future date.