- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity(v9.5.3)
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore(v5.0.4)
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameWorkCore(v3.1.6)
- Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design(v3.1.6)
- Microsoft.EntityFrameWorkCore.SqlServer(v5.0.4)
- Microsoft.EntityFrameWorkCore.Tools(v5.0.4)
- Postman v8.0.10 For API Testing methods
Generally in this project, i want to create basic crud in web api and then check these behaviour with Postman.That's why first of all;
*Open a Blank solution;
*Add a project => Core.Library => Finder_Entities *Create an entity class.(It depends on ur project i ve mentioned just one class because i want to focus APİ.Layer *Download EntityFramework.Core(v5.0.4) from Nuget.
public class Pharmacy
[Key,DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] => this will provide identity (id) otomatically from 1 and ++1
public int Id { get; set; }
[StringLength(50)] => this gives a rule to property.
public string Name { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
*Add a project=> Core.Library=>Finder_DataAccess *Open a folder =>FinderDbContext
public class FinderDbContext:DbContext {
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Server = (localdb)\\MSSQLLocalDB; Database = Finder_Project; Trusted_Connection = True; ");
public DbSet<Pharmacy> Pharmacies { get; set; }
*Open new Folder which name is Repositories=>
*Open an abstract folder for interfaces=>
public interface IFinderRepository
List<Pharmacy> GetAllPharmacy();
Pharmacy GetPharmacyById(int id);
Pharmacy CreatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy);
Pharmacy UpdatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy);
void DeletePharmacy(int id);
*Open a concrete folder.
public class FinderRepository : IFinderRepository => this inherited from interface !
public Pharmacy CreatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy)
using (var finderDbContext = new FinderDbContext())
return pharmacy;
public void DeletePharmacy(int id)
using (var finderDbContext = new FinderDbContext())
var deletedPharmacy=GetPharmacyById(id);
public List<Pharmacy> GetAllPharmacy()
using (var finderDbContext = new FinderDbContext())
return finderDbContext.Pharmacies.ToList();
public Pharmacy GetPharmacyById(int id)
using (var finderDbContext = new FinderDbContext())
return finderDbContext.Pharmacies.Find(id);
public Pharmacy UpdatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy)
using (var finderDbContext = new FinderDbContext())
return pharmacy;
*Download EntityFrameworkCore,SqlServer,Tools (All of them v5.0.4)
*Add a project=>Core.Library=>Finder_Business
*Open an abstract folder=>IFinderService
public interface IFinderService
List<Pharmacy> GetAllPharmacies();
Pharmacy GetPharmacyById(int id);
Pharmacy CreatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy);
Pharmacy UpdatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy);
void DeletePharmacy(int id);
*Open a concrete folder=>FinderManager
public class FinderManager : IFinderService
private IFinderRepository _finderRepository;
public FinderManager(IFinderRepository finderRepository)
_finderRepository = finderRepository;
public Pharmacy CreatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy)
return _finderRepository.CreatePharmacy(pharmacy);
public void DeletePharmacy(int id)
public List<Pharmacy> GetAllPharmacies()
return _finderRepository.GetAllPharmacy();
public Pharmacy GetPharmacyById(int id)
if (id > 0)
return _finderRepository.GetPharmacyById(id);
throw new Exception("id can not be less than 1");
public Pharmacy UpdatePharmacy(Pharmacy pharmacy)
return _finderRepository.UpdatePharmacy(pharmacy);
*Add Project => Asp.NetCore.WebApplication => Empty (please check out Configure the Https if it is checked remove it)=> Finder_API
*Open a Controllers folder. *Open a PharmacyController.
public class PharmacyController : ControllerBase
private IFinderService _finderService;
public PharmacyController(IFinderService finderService)
_finderService = finderService;
public List<Pharmacy> Get()
return _finderService.GetAllPharmacies();
public Pharmacy Get(int id)
return _finderService.GetPharmacyById(id);
public Pharmacy Post([FromBody] Pharmacy pharmacy)
return _finderService.UpdatePharmacy(pharmacy);
public void Delete(int id)
*At the startup we should register services. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) {
services.AddSingleton<IFinderService, FinderManager>(); => This is our basic Dependency Injection with Singleton.It means when i call IFinderService on the constructor take me FinderManager.
services.AddSingleton<IFinderRepository, FinderRepository>(); => Same