ok this took a while. I wanted to use a mysql database but i ran into alot of problems, things to know:
docker-compose file:
docker-compose up -d
docker ps
docker exec -it {container name} /bin/bash
mysql -u {user} -p
and then you are inside a mysql shell:
Other important commands in case you run into problems:
docker-compose logs {containerid}
-to see problems
docker-compose down -v
- NEVER do this or you lose your data.
docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' container id
- to check the ip of the container( not needed for this file since we did a port in the configuration)
the main issue was that i was losing my data after doing docker down even after trying to setup the docker with volumes and doing a named volume system, however it was not working. i found the issue after 2 days:
[for the issue of VOLUMES] (docker-library/mysql#365 (comment)) [for the issue of % privileges] (https://rednafi.github.io/digressions/database/2020/03/15/mysql-install.html)
other important info- for some reason docker hub image with volumes only works on mysql:5.6 OFFICIAl Image.Dont ask me why i lost a bunch of time trying to troubleshoot this mess.
if you wondering where the host locates your container volume so that everything works when its made another container.