------------------ TiMob SDK 1.8.1 How to use ========== * run server(chat server) shell > node prj/example-nodejs-server/chat.js * client(chat client) * DIR prj/ - README - LICENSE - tiapp.xml - example-nodejs-server/ - server.js - chat.js - Resources/ - app.js - - ti-websocket-client/ - ti-websocket-client.js - - package.json - lib/ - io.js - socket.js - util.js - transport.js - transports/ - xhr.js - xhr-polling.js - ... Example ======= channel chat titanium example: Resources/win_ti.js channel chat server example: example-nodejs-server/chat.js va io = require(''); var socket = io.connect(''); var chat = socket.of('/chat'); chat.on('available_channel', function (channels){ channels.forEach(function (channelName){ var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({ title: channelName }); ... }); ... }); chat.on('broadcat:message', function(message){ .... }); input.addEventListener('return', function(){ chat.emit('post', input.value); }); win.addEventListener('open', function(){ chat.emit('join:channel', channelId); }); Notes ===== * Mac OSX run with iphonesim or android: set localnetwork alias localhost( shell > sudo ifconfig lo0 alias netmask 0xffffff run iphonesimlator.. [js code] var socket = io.connect(''); socket.send('hello world!!'); socket.on('message', function (message){ ... }); * android client: add property tiapp.xml <property name="" type="int">32768</property>