- For new queries in the code, run
and add required indexes (Postgres Query Plan Visualizer) - For queries used for reporting, run
and add required indexes - Identify and remove n+1 queries
- Use transactions where necessary
- Cache whatever you can
- TTLs for cache keys
- Use cache keys with app version as prefix or suffix
- Comments for any hacks
- Test cases for all code that isn't quickly comprehensible
- Test any code that depends on randomisation
- Respect third-party API limits
- Request-response times
- Check affected rows/documents
- Handle old values with fallbacks
- [OR] Migrate/translate any existing data to new format
- Check database fields that are read/written to by different components
- Check all components that interface with anything related
- Watch for errors across components during testing
- Ensure High Availability for any new components
- Add monitoring limits
- Test all auto-scaling rules
- Disable/block write API calls to third-party APIs (comment code OR use firewall)
- Serve all assets via HTTPS (css, javascript, images, fonts, etc)
- Payload for all XHR calls that might be affected
- Support link is available on every webpage
- Contact form works and contact information is available
- Navigation links
- Anything that depends on SMS (Reset password, 2FA, etc)
- Cross-browser tests
- Lookout for weird characters in views and check if unicode is used properly
- Build reports/pages/scripts to be able to debug quickly
- System stats
- Queue message counts at regular intervals
- Response codes from third-party API calls
- Track errors
- Inform co-workers about any changes to development setup and provide necessary scripts/commands to migrate
- Update README/docs about changes
I found it useful to maintain a checklist when deploying code. This was compiled over a period of time. Feel free to contribute changes on GitHub
-- @HashNuke