
Boilerplate example of Phat Contract Connected to S3 Storage

Primary LanguageRust

Phat Contract - S3 Phat Storage

Phat Contract is a Rust-based contract that allows you to interact with an S3 bucket using HTTP requests. This contract provides methods to perform GET, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD operations on an S3 bucket.

Please note that the endpoint URL must not include https://. For example, use endpoint.4everland.co instead of https://endpoint.4everland.co for the endpoint parameter.


  • Set admin for the contract
  • Seal S3 bucket access and secret keys
  • Perform PUT, HEAD, GET, and DELETE operations on an S3 bucket
  • Test the contract with a predefined S3 bucket and object


  • rustc 1.69.0
  • cargo-contract 3.0.1 or greater


Clone the repository and navigate to the directory:

git clone git@github.com:HashWarlock/PhatStorage.git
cd PhatStorage

Build the contract:

cargo contract build


Best way to interact with the contract is to load in https://phat.phala.network. You will:

  • Upload the compiled phat_storage.contract file to the Phala blockchain
  • Instantiate your Phat Contract
  • Activate your Phat Contract by adding staked PHA

Your dashboard will then look like as follows:

Set Admin

Set a new admin for the contract with the set_admin function. Only the current admin can perform this operation.

Seal Keys

Seal the S3 Bucket access and secret keys with the seal_keys function. Only the admin can perform this operation.

S3 Operations

Perform PUT, HEAD, GET, and DELETE operations on an S3 bucket with the s3_put, s3_head, s3_get, and s3_delete functions respectively. Only the admin can perform these operations and the keys must be configured.

Let's go through a user journey.


S3 PUT Result


S3 GET Result

Check 4Everland UI Dashboard


S3 DELETE Result

Check 4Everland UI Dashboard

Test the Contract

Test the contract with a predefined S3 bucket and object with the it_works function. In the Phat UI, you can click the

Note: you will need to update the function to hardcode values to function correctly. If you have installed swanky phala and are running on a machine with x86 chip, you can execute the following:

swanky phala contract test -t phat_storage_bkup


The contract can return the following errors:

  • NoPermissions: The caller is not the admin
  • InvalidRequest: The S3 operation failed
  • KeysNotConfigured: The access and secret keys are not configured